31 Jan 2013

Famous Celebrities Then and Now

This is really amazing to see how the kid's celebrities have grown so fast and now they look totally different. I have collected some of the famous celebrity's childhood pictures. Some of them appeared as child artist in famous movies. Some of the pictures would really leave you astonish.

Macaulay Culkin

Famous star from the movie "Home Alone" and "My Girl(1991)".

7 Jan 2013

Films Releasing Jan 2013

Everyone loves Films. In the world of Hollywood all of you must exploring some gossips about upcoming Films. The 2013 is bringing some excellent and exciting Films for you.
So plan your cinema tour this Jan because some exciting Films coming this month!

Texas Chainsaw 3D

Release Date: Jan 2013
Director: John Luessenhop
Cast: Alexandera Daddario, Dan Yeager, Trey Songz

4 Jan 2013

10 Celebrities Died in 2012

Living and dying is the game of life. People come and go from this world and they leave their memories only. Just like previous years, in 2012 many of the famous celebrities died and left their talented memories on our mind. These are not just one or two! There is a huge list of them.
Sharing here some of the pictures of celebrities who left us this year.

Fontella Bass:

She was also a singer. She died on 26 Dec at the age of 72. Her last album was The New York.